Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

2003 St. Anger

8:30 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих, Хэммет, Боб Рок)

Invisible Kid

Invisible kid Never see what he did Got stuck where he hid Fallen through the grid Invisible kid Got a place of his own Where he'll never be known Inward he's grown Invisible kid Locked away in his brain From the shame and the pain World down the drain Invisible kid Suspicious of your touch Don't want no crutch But it's all too much I hide inside I hurt inside I hide inside, but I'll show you… I'm OK, just go away Into the distance let me fade I'm OK, just go away I'm OK, but please don't stray too far Open up your heart I'm beating right here Open your mind I'm being right here, right now Open your heart I'm beating right here Open your mind I'm being right here, right now Ooh, what a good boy you are Out of the way and you're kept to yourself Ooh, can't you see that he's not here He doesn't want the attention you give Ooh, unplugging from it all Invisible kid floats alone in his room Ooh, what a quiet boy you are He looks so calm floating 'round and 'round in himself

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