Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

2003 St. Anger

8:48 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих, Хэммет, Боб Рок)

All Within My Hands

All within my hands Squeeze it in, crush it down All within my hands Hold it dear, hold it suffocate All within my hands Love to death, smack you 'round & 'round and All within my hands Beware Love is control I'll die if I let go Hate me now Kill all within my hands Hate me now Crush all within my hands Squeeze all within my hands Choke all within my hands Hate me now Trap all within my hands Hurry up and hate me now Kill all within my hands All within my hands Take your fear, pump me up All within my hands Let you run, then I pull your leash All within my hands Under thumb, under to myself All within my hands Beware Love is control I'll die if I let go Hate me now Kill all within my hands Hate me now Crush all within my hands Squeeze all within my hands Choke all within my hands Hate me now Trap all within my hands Hurry up and hate me now Kill all within my hands again I'll die if I let go Control is love, love is control I'll fall if I let go Control is love, love is control I will only let you breathe My air that you receive Then we'll see if I let you love me Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill

к списку всех песенThat Was Just Your Life

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