Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

1991 Metallica

3:51 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих)

The Struggle Within

Reaching out for something you've got to feel while clutching to what you had thought was real Kicking at a dead horse pleases you no way of showing your gratitude So many things you don't want to do What is it? What you have got to lose What is hell What is it you thing you're gonna find? Hypocrite boredom sets into the boring mind Struggle within it suits you fine Struggle within your ruin Struggle within you seal your own coffin Struggle within the struggling within Home is not a home it becomes a hell turning it into your prison sell Advantages are taken, not hanged out while you struggle inside your hell Reaching out grabbing for something you've got to feel closing in the pressure upon you is still unreal Struggle within it suits you fine Struggle within your ruin Struggle within you seal your own coffin Struggle within the struggling within Reaching out for something you've got to feel while clutching to what you had thought was real what the hell What is it you think you're gonna find hypocrite boredom sets into the boring mind Struggle within it suit your fine Struggle within your ruin Struggle within you seal your own coffin Struggle within the struggling within

к списку всех песенAin't My Bitch

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