Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

1996 Load

5:28 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих, Хэммет)

2 x 4

I'm gonna make you, shake you, take you I'm gonna be the one who breaks you Put the screws to you, yeah, my way Yeah, come on and come on, come and make my day Make my day Got some hell to pay, I steal your thunder The joy of violent movement, pulls you under Bite the bullet, well hard Yeah, but I die harder, so go too far Too far Friction, fusion, retribution I can't hear you, talk to me I can't hear you, so talk to me I can't hear you, are you talking to me? I can't hear you, are you talking to me? I can't hear you, time to meet my lord I can't hear you, talk to two by four I'm gonna make you, shake you, take you I'm gonna be that one who breaks you Put the screws to you, my way Hey, come on and come on, come and make my day Make my day Friction, fusion, retribution I can't hear you, talk to me I can't hear you, come talk to me I can't hear you, are you talking to me? I can't hear you, are you talking to me? I can't hear you, time to meet my lord I can't hear you, talk to two by four Talk to two by four It don't take no more Friction, fusion, retribution I'm gonna make you talk to me I'm gonna trick you, so talk to me I can't hear you, are you talking to me? I can't hear you, you talking to me? I can't hear you, time to meet my lord I can't hear you, talk to two by four She don't take no more

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