Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

1996 Load

5:51 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих, Хэммет)

Thorn Within

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned Find me guilty of the life I feel within When I'm branded, this mark of shame Should I look down, disgraced, or straight ahead and know that you must blame? I am the secret I am the sin I am the guilty And I am, I am the thorn within Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned Find me guilty when true guilt is from within So point your fingers, point right at me For I am shadows and will follow you, one and the same are we I am the secret I am the sin I am the guilty And I am, I am the thorn within I do your time, I take your fall I'm branded guilty for us all So point your fingers, point right at me For I am shadows and will follow you, one and the same are we I am your secrets I am your sin I am your guilty And I am, I am the thorn within I am the thorn within I am the thorn within

к списку всех песенRonnie

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