Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

1983 Kill 'Em All

3:08 (Хэтфилд)


Living and dying laughing and crying Once you have seen it you will never be the same Life in the fast lane is just how it seems Hard and it is heavy dirty and mean Motorbreath Its how I live my life I can't take it any other way Motorbreath The sign of living fast It is going to take Your breath away Don't stop for nothing it's full speed or nothing I am talking down you know whatever is in my way Getting your kicks as you are shooting the line Sending the shivers up and down your spine Motorbreath Its how I live my life I can't take it any other way Motorbreath The sign of living fast It is going to take Your breath away Those people who tell you not to take chances They are all missing on what life is about You only live once so take hold of the chance Don't end up like others the same song and dance Motorbreath It's how I live my life I can't take it any other way Motorbreath The sign of living fast It is going to take Your breath away

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