Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

1998 Garage Inc.

3:40 (Кларк, Килмистер, Тэйлор, Фэррен (Motorhead))

Damage Case

Hey babe, don't act so scared All I want is some special care I don't belong in some institution All I want's a little consolation But I can tell by your face I'm a total disgrace Let me inside of your place Move over for a damage case Hey babe, wait a minute stop Don't run away, don't call a cop I ain't looking to victimise you All I wanna do is tantalise you But I can tell by your face I'm all over the place I can tell by your face Got no time for a damage case Hey babe don't turn away I'm here tomorrow, I'm gone today I don't know what you think your game is I don't care even what your name is But I could tell by his face You were over his place Let me inside of your space Move over for a damage case

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