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    • CommentTime8/09/2009IsOnline
     # 121
    ALICE IN CHAINS Interviewed By METALLICA's HETFIELD, ULRICH For Broadcast Special - Sep. 7, 2009

    James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich of METALLICA have interviewed ALICE IN CHAINS for FMQB Production' "Inside Alice In Chains: Black Gives Way To Blue" broadcast special, which will air on radio stations across the country starting September 25.

    Hetfield joined ALICE IN CHAINS on stage on November 26, 2006 at the Warfield in San Francisco to perform the song "Would?". Watch a fan-filmed video clip at YouTube. A professional-quality clip of Hetfield playing "Would?" with ALICE IN CHAINS at the Rock am Ring festival in Nürburgring, Germany on June 2, 2006 can be viewed below.

    When asked by Revolver magazine if he had a close relationship with late ALICE IN CHAINS singer Layne Staley, Hetfield replied, "I wasn't really close with Layne, but I remember going to see ALICE IN CHAINS many times. I remember when we were down in L.A. [in 1991, making 'The Black Album'], I left the studio early to see them play on Clash of the Titans with SLAYER. I was driving like a madman in this rented van, going on the median and scaring the shit out of my friend — 'We gotta get there!' And we get there, and they'd just got off. I was like, 'Aw, man!' [Laughs] I hung with them a little bit, always just loved their music, and I'd say that Jerry [Cantrell, AIC guitarist] and I share some life experiences, like getting a second chance at life and realizing how cool things can be. So we've got kind of a kinship that way. And seeing them play — I just love hearing those songs. Those songs are awesome and should be heard, you know? They were so unique, so ahead of their time. And out of all the Seattle stuff, that stuff is the most timeless. Unfortunately, Layne just loved the junk too much, man, and that was that. I just read in his lyrics his obsessiveness about it. And he knew where he was goin'! It's like, in the school of driving, look where you want to go — and that's what he was doing, it seems like."

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime13/09/2009IsOnline
     # 122
    METALLICA Plays Benefit Show In San Rafael; Photos Available - Sep. 12, 2009

    METALLICA played a benefit concert last night (Friday, September 11) for the Marin History Museum's "Marin Rocks" project at the 2,000-seat Marin Veterans Memorial Auditorium in San Rafael, California. It was the first show in Marin by the heavy metal supergroup.

    According to the Marin Independent Journal, concert-goers paid from $100 to $350 a ticket to the sold-out show. MOONALICE, featuring Marin musicians Pete Sears and Barry Sless, opened the concert.

    After METALLICA finished its set, guitarist/vocalist James Hetfield thanked the crowd, saying: "We appreciate you coming out to support the ancestry and the history of music in Marin County."

    The band's setlist was as follows:

    01. Creeping Death
    02. For Whom the Bell Tolls
    03. Fuel
    04. Harvester of Sorrow
    05. Fade to Black
    06. Broken, Beat, and Scarred
    07. Cyanide
    08. Sad But True
    09. One
    10. Master of Puppets
    11. Battery
    12. Nothing Else Matters
    13. Enter Sandman
    - - - - - - - -
    14. Hit the Lights
    15. Seek and Destroy

    Переводчики: PRIEST
    • CommentTime13/09/2009IsOnline
     # 123
    METALLICA's JAMES HETFIELD: 'I'm Not The Most Social Guy You'll Meet' - Sep. 11, 2009

    Paul Liberatore of the Marin Independent Journal conducted an interview with METALLICA guitarist/vocalist James Hetfield ahead of the band's performance tonight (Friday, September 11) at a benefit in Northern California. A few excerpts from the chat follow below.

    On METALLICA's first hometown concert, a benefit for the Marin History Museum's "Marin Rocks" project in the sold-out, 2,000-seat Marin Veterans Memorial Auditorium:

    Hetfield: "We've never done a public show. I don't know why. Probably because there aren't that many places to play in Marin that are large enough to satisfy enough people. But in the last few years, basically after 'St. Anger' (METALLICA's 2003 album), we started getting more into public service, giving back to the community, discovering how good that feels."

    On the Marin Rocks project, in which James envisions a place for young people to express their feelings, their anger and alienation through music, just as he did in METALLICA:

    Hetfield: "Growing up struggling in a dysfunctional family and being able to turn to music as my escape and therapy and savior is dear to my heart. So introducing kids to music and having a safe clean place for the youth of Marin to come in and jam, talk about their problems and write songs together really excites me."

    On balancing METALLICA and family life following a stint in rehab during the recording of the 2003 album "St. Anger":

    Hetfield: "Up to that point, METALLICA ruled everything in our lives and everything else was second. But that didn't make any sense anymore. We had to balance this correctly or else one was going to go away. So, obviously, my priorities have gotten in order. Family has gone way up on the ladder. The serenity of this place we live in has become a lot more important to me. When I'm home, hanging out with the family, there's no other place I'd rather be. A very close second is jamming with the guys."

    On his 500-acre spread in San Rafael where he lives with his wife, Francesca, and their three children, Cali, Castor and Marcella, ages 11, 9 and 7:

    Hetfield: "My wife, Francesca, has been the most amazing person in my life. She has ridden the big waves with me. We have gone through some extremely difficult things and come out stronger. She's stuck with me through all the hell. When I met her, I knew she was brought to me to help me get out of this hell hole. And she did. There was a point where she stood up for the family, saying, 'You've got to get out of here. You've got to go get yourself together. I'm not submitting me or my kids through this.' Fear is a great motivator. I have abandonment issues because I've had one family that disintegrated. I didn't want another one to."

    On tonight's performance being Hetfield's rare public appearance on his home turf:

    Hetfield: "I'm not the most social guy you'll meet. I do like my space. I do like my privacy. I'm from a little different school. It's not like, 'Let's all get in a big room and jam.' I like my peace and quiet here. That allows me to make my noise and create by myself and then, when the band gets together, we take it to another level."

    On how sometimes fans refuse to separate the rock god from the family man:

    Hetfield: "When you're walking around, people expect you to be that person on stage, and you're not. I'm not going to scream the F-word and jump up and down and make monkey faces when I'm hanging out with my family having dinner."

    On being able to move around at home pretty much without being bothered:

    Hetfield: "It's very easy in Marin. Most of the people who stop me are very polite, saying things like, 'Hey, James, what's up?' That's pretty much it. The people who get star struck or clingy are tourists, and they associate their trip to Marin with me. Everyone else sees me as a resident of this county. It's very easy to kick back and be an equal."

    On finding himself generating some unwanted publicity last year when hikers complained about a heavy metal fence he erected on his property to protect his privacy and prevent vandalism:

    Hetfield: "Oh, you mean the Berlin Wall? That's what we call it now. We're still negotiating what's going to work best for us, the county and everyone else. We want to come to a good, respectful decision. There are lots of great places to hike. And I'm certainly not doing anything on purpose to piss people off.

    "Like I said, I enjoy my privacy. I don't enjoy picking up the trash. I don't enjoy watching out for paparazzi, or whatever they may be. I like seeing people have a good time. So we're trying to make sure there's a trail that people will be able to connect to open space and have a good time on. And at the same time I'll be able to have my peace of mind. We're working on that."

    On how METALLICA seems to be mellowing as its leaders age and their children are old enough to attend their concerts:

    Hetfield: "For me, it's been pretty important in the past to show that I could say the F-word every other word. I still love using the word. It's a powerful word. But I don't have to highlight it all the time because I wouldn't want to take a kid to a show where the dude's foul-mouthed.

    "I want the music to be the thing he or she remembers. Or when the guy on stage leaned over and gave them a pick. Or he smiled at them. Or he saw them singing along and gave a thumbs-up. Something like that is what I want the youth to remember."

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime17/09/2009IsOnline
     # 124
    ROBERT TRUJILLO Confirms METALLICA Is 'Working On' 'Big Four' Tour - Sep. 15, 2009

    Chris Varias of Metromix conducted an interview earlier this week with METALLICA bassist Robert Trujillo. The question-and-answer session follows below.

    Metromix: There's a rumor going around now about the four classic thrash bands (METALLICA, SLAYER, MEGADETH and ANTHRAX) touring together. How would you feel about being part of that?

    Trujillo: I think it's great. We've had a few different conversations on the subject. I'm friends with (SLAYER's) Kerry King and had dinner with him a few months back, and it came up there. I think (MEGADETH's) Dave Mustaine is amazing. I've never had a problem with him personally. I think it'd be great if METALLICA shared the stage with his band. METALLICA's still great friends with (ANTHRAX's) Scott Ian. There's a lot of history there. I think it'd be great for metal. I don't think all four bands have played together at the same time.

    Metromix: So there's truth to the rumor?

    Trujillo: There is, but nothing's concrete. It's not a sealed deal. We're working on it.

    Metromix: How would egos come into play in terms of the order of bands on the bill?

    Trujillo: Oh, there'd be a lot of egos. I think we'd be OK. It'd be an issue with the other three bands.

    Metromix: How so? Would Dave Mustaine have an issue opening for METALLICA?

    Trujillo: I don't think that would be an issue. I think it would be more an issue between MEGADETH and SLAYER.

    Metromix: What's the story there?

    Trujillo: I don't know if it would depend on the city, but I'm sure between those two bands, they would want to be up on the bill. I don't know. Who knows? My prediction is that maybe there would be something there. The only way we would do it is if we're headlining, and we would probably be the ones to put it together. I'm not saying that in a disrespectful way. All of these bands are amazing and super-cool.

    Metromix: You played with Ozzy. Maybe you could get Sharon Osbourne to put the tour together.

    Trujillo: Oh man, yeah. Let's see. She's a phone call away. Maybe I can get Ozzy to manage the situation. He'd sort them all out.

    Metromix: When is METALLICA recording its next album?

    Trujillo: I don't know — maybe next week, maybe tomorrow. Who knows? I'll talk to the guys today and see if they're up for it. Actually there's gonna be about another year of touring, so that's a hard one to say. There are a lot of ideas floating around. We always have recording gear on tour with us so we're always recording our ideas, but obviously the songs have not been written.

    Metromix: Do you expect the new record to be a continuation of the "Death Magnetic" sound?

    Trujillo: Going back to "Death Magnetic", it was great because (producer) Rick Rubin helped kind of bring Lars and (singer-guitarist) James (Hetfield) back into that sort of thrashy element. I think it will have a thrash factor. Keep it heavy. Keep it grooving. Keep it thrashy.

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime17/09/2009IsOnline
     # 125
    METALLICA Nominated For 'Best Concert Tour Of The Year' Award - Sep. 15, 2009

    METALLICA is nominated for the second annual "Eventful Fans' Choice Award" for the "Best Concert Tour Of The Year" at the 2009 Billboard Touring Awards.

    The 2009 Billboard Touring Awards will honor the concert industry's top artists and professionals for the year, based on the Billboard Boxscores chart. Recognition for finalists and awards will be based on actual box office performance between November 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009. In addition, Billboard will honor two individuals who have made a significant impact on the touring industry with the "Legend of Live" and the "Humanitarian" awards.

    The winners will be revealed on November 5, 2009 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City.

    Eventful and Billboard are letting the fans determine the best concert tour of the year. Go to this location to vote for METALLICA.

    Переводчики: PRIEST
    • CommentTime21/09/2009IsOnline
     # 126
    METALLICA Concert Takes In $200,000 For 'Marin Rocks' - Sep. 20, 2009

    Paul Liberatore of the Marin Independent Journal reports: METALLICA's first-ever Marin County concert netted $200,000 for the "Marin Rocks" museum project, Marin History Museum officials have announced.

    METALLICA fans paid up to $350 a ticket to the sold-out Sept. 11 show at the 2,000-seat Marin Veterans Memorial Auditorium.

    The money goes to Marin Rocks, an interactive museum of Marin music history scheduled to open next summer on Fourth St. in downtown San Rafael.

    "There has been nothing but positive reaction to everything about the concert," said museum publicist Stephanie Clarke. "People are very excited."

    Переводчики: PRIEST
    • CommentTime21/09/2009IsOnline
     # 127
    METALLICA Guitarist Interviewed On 'The Metal File'; Audio Available - Sep. 20, 2009

    METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett was interviewed last night (Saturday, September 19) for this week's "The Metal File" podcast from Montreal's CHOM-FM. You can stream the show online at this location.
    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime24/09/2009IsOnline
     # 128
    METALLICA Sets New Record For Largest Paid Attendance In Montreal - Sep. 24, 2009

    METALLICA has set a record for largest paid attendance for all events ever at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada with their two sold-out shows on Saturday and Sunday (September 19-20). The San Francisco Bay Area metal giants beat out the likes of KISS, UFC, CELINE DION and U2.
    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime24/09/2009IsOnline
     # 129
    METALLICA Donates $21K To Montreal Charity - Sep. 23, 2009

    According to The Montreal Gazette, METALLICA has donated CAD $21,462 from the box-office take of their two sold-out shows at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on Saturday and Sunday (September 19-20) to Sun Youth, a local community services organization.

    "It's a beautiful gift," said Sid Stevens, co-founder of Sun Youth. Stevens said he was told the group makes a practice of turning over part of its receipts to a local charity at every stop on its tour.

    Sun Youth was asked, however, to keep the donation under wraps until the group had left Montreal.

    "People sometimes look at groups of this nature in a derogatory or negative manner," said Stevens, who is not familiar with METALLICA's music. "But it's very interesting to see them donate in every city they visit."

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime24/09/2009IsOnline
     # 130
    MEGADETH's MUSTAINE Says 'Endgame' Is Better Than METALLICA's 'Death Magnetic' - Sep. 23, 2009

    Kevin "Taz" Conklin of "The Big Dumb Radio Show" (web site) — which airs on Kalamazoo, Michigan's 92.5 WZUU FM radio station — conducted an interview with MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine earlier this week. A couple of excerpts from the interview follow.

    On how "Endgame" has been received thus far:

    Mustaine: "The record is a complete smash success right now for us. Even web sites that are notorious for hating MEGADETH, like Blabbermouth, we got an 8.5 out of 10 there. I mean, go figure. And they even said something that was kind towards me, saying, 'Well, maybe it's time for us to take a lesson from Professor Dave.' And I'm thinking, 'Huh?!' I guess hell must be frozen. [laughs] And I just heard that there's a magazine — a very high-ranking, established institution... magazine in the U.K., one of the guys there said that MEGADETH is better than METALLICA. And I was like, 'Oh, my God. The next thing you know I'm gonna wake up and I'm gonna be 16 again and I'll have somebody really hot and young laying in my bed.'"

    On whether it gets annoying being asked about METALLICA all the time:

    Mustaine: "Nah, it depends on what they're talking about. If it's the 'he-said-she-said' stuff, that's not OK, because they weren't there. But if it's stuff like talking about anything that was to happen, currently or in the future, it's total speculation and it's up in the air. I really don't like talking about it, because I have a new record out and I've heard both records [referring to METALLICA's 'Death Magnetic' and MEGADETH's 'Endgame' — Ed.], and I think mine's better. And that's not a dig at [METALLICA]; it's just how I feel. And I know that they've got a lot of records that are better than the stuff I've put out, but not all of it, and certainly not the stuff that we made together."

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime1/10/2009IsOnline
     # 131
    85-Year-Old METALLICA Fan To Attend Tampa Concert With Her Son - Sep. 30, 2009

    St. Petersburg Times reports that Margaret Priebe is 85 years old and a huge METALLICA fan. She's going to the band's October 3 show at the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Florida with her son, Jim Priebe.

    While Margaret was fighting cancer — and getting chemo — she'd stay up late and listen to METALLICA on her MP3 player, especially the band's live recording with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. She says the heavy metal band got her through the tough times. "I always liked rock music," Priebe said. "I love drums, and I like the way they play."

    "I like METALLICA — there's nothing wrong with them," Margaret added. "People think I'm weird. But I'm sorry, I like it loud."

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime1/10/2009IsOnline
     # 132
    METALLICA's LiveMetallica.com Web Site Now Offering Single-Track Downloads - Sep. 29, 2009

    METALLICA's official web site has been updated with the following message:

    "When we launched www.livemetallica.com over five years ago, it seemed like the next logical step of service in the digital age as we've always encouraged you to record and trade our shows. The site gives us the chance to offer you a high-quality recording of the show you went to, or any other show for that matter, and you don't even have to sneak your tape deck, um uh, we mean portable digital recording device, into the arena! So here we are 269 shows, 5,338 songs and 310,386 downloads later and we want to thank you for all your support, encouragement and comments. Lo and behold, five-plus years later and no two set lists have been the same! Wow!!!

    "Speaking of those comments . . . the one overwhelming request we've had is to offer up single-track downloads. Since we always aim to please, YOU GOT IT! That simple. Check out the new and improved LiveMetallica.com and you'll see that every song we've recorded live since the site launched from Phoenix on March 2, 2004 is now available for you to pick and choose from for $.99 each song on mp3. For the über-fan, of course the full show can still be downloaded for a dough-saving $9.95 mp3 . . . super-audiophiles can grab the high-quality FLAC version for $12.95 a full-show download.

    "We have some other cool things in the works for the site too that we'll be telling you about in the coming weeks, and, of course, as the tour rolls through North America, each and every show will be added, usually within a few hours after it ends. And don't forget to visit the 'Vault' section of the site for FREE downloads of selected shows prior to 2004. Be sure to let us know what you think!"

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime5/10/2009IsOnline
     # 133
    METALLICA's 85-Year-Old Fan Meets Band, Gets Special Song Dedication - Oct. 4, 2009

    Margaret Priebe, the 85-year-old METALLICA fan who became a viral sensation after her story appeared in Thursday's St. Petersburg Times, was invited backstage for a meet-and-greet prior to the band's show last night (Saturday, October 3) at the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Florida. Each member of METALLICA spent a little time with her, sharing stories of her favorite album, "S&M". Guitarist Kirk Hammett also mentioned that his mother now has some competition! In addition, guitarist/vocalist James Hetfield dedicated the song "Nothing Else Matters" to Margaret at the sold-out concert, which was attended by more than 18,000 people.

    "The number one METALLICA fan!" drummer Lars Ulrich said when he met Priebe, according to TampaBay.com.

    When Hetfield came in, he leaned down and asked, "Mind if I hug you?" She didn't mind at all. Hammett told her to "Keep it metal!" She smiled big. The band signed her copy of new album "Death Magnetic" and even gave her a roadie T-shirt.

    After the meet-and-greet, Priebe said, "They were just like what I'd thought they'd be — very nice."

    As she was led through the arena, fans burst into applause, asking for pictures and rocking the devil horns, the ultimate metal salute.

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime7/10/2009IsOnline
     # 134
    METALLICA: Nimes Concert To Air On French TV This Weekend - Oct. 7, 2009

    METALLICA filmed its July 7, 2009 concert in Nimes, France for an upcoming DVD release, but the catch is that the disc will be available only in France and through METALLICA's official website, Metallica.com. Since it's a French product, you'll also need an all-region DVD player in order to watch it in North America. The DVD is expected to arrive in November.

    The entire concert is scheduled to air this Saturday, October 10 at 22.30 on the French TV channel Canal+.

    Two preview clips can now be viewed online:

    "Cyanide": Video
    "Enter Sandman" Video

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime7/10/2009IsOnline
     # 135
    METALLICA's Custom-Made Pinball Machine: Video Footage, Photos Available - Oct. 7, 2009

    Bitmob.com has uploaded the first-ever footage (see below) of a pinball table created for heavy metal giants METALLICA. Wade Krause's one-of-a-kind pinball machine, which was custom-made for the band, made its first — and very likely only — public appearance at this year's Pacific Pinball Expo on October 2-4, 2009, at the San Francisco Bay Area's Marin County Civic Center.

    Check out more photos from Bitmob.com.

    Pictures and video courtesy of Erin Risi

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime7/10/2009IsOnline
     # 136
    METALLICA Soaking Up The Rays In Miami - Oct. 6, 2009

    U.K.'s The Sun has uploaded photos of METALLICA members James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett soaking up the rays on a Miami beach during a break on the band's current U.S. tour. A posting on the web site reads, "Hetfield showed off his abundantly-tattooed arms and strange choice of headwear as he dipped his feet into the sea. Joining him was . . Hammett, who was all smiles as he unveiled his significantly less inked torso to the bathing masses."

    Check out the pictures at TheSun.co.uk.

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime9/10/2009IsOnline
     # 137
    The 2010 Metallica Calendar is here!
    This years calendar features full color live shots from the World Magnetic tour taken by Ross Halfin and Jeff Yeager! Listed with holidays from around the world, the calendar is standard 12" x 12" size. Pick up yours now in the merchandise store or at MetClub.com!
    Переводчики: PRIEST, REsearch
    • CommentTime16/10/2009IsOnline
     # 138
    METALLICA Launches iPhone App - Oct. 7, 2009

    METALLICA's web site has been updated with the following message:

    "In our ongoing efforts to be of service and give you as many options as possible in the digital era, we asked the brainiacs that help us out with LiveMetallica.com to come up with a super-cool iPhone application that creates a streaming interface to your LiveMetallica account. In non-tech talk, that means that any show you have downloaded from the site will automatically stream to your iPhone once you launch the $.99 app. And the bonus is that the latest show on the site will always be streaming for free!"

    Переводчики: kosa
    • CommentTime16/10/2009IsOnline
     # 139
    METALLICA's JAMES HETFIELD: DAVE MUSTAINE 'Is Not In This Band For A Reason' - Oct. 8, 2009

    On September 28, 2009, METALLICA guitarist/vocalist James Hetfield was interviewed by Cindy Scull of the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas radio station 97.1 The Eagle Rocks.

    On how METALLICA deals with "gossipy" stuff coming MEGADETH mainman (and former METALLICA guitarist) Dave Mustaine, who recently went as far as to claim that METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich was supposed to have been fired in 1986:

    Hetfield: "[Laughs] Exactly like I just reacted; you've gotta laugh at it. . . Well, you've gotta go big picture with this stuff. It's sooo odd to me... This is soooo... It is very Dave, and that's him. And no matter what band he was in or whatever... I mean, Dave is not in this band for a reason, and this is the reason. It's super-simple. He was in the band for 11 months and it goes on and on and on and on and on. I don't know any other band on this planet that there was a member in the band for a short amount of time and they've still got this big chip on his shoulder. It's insane! . . . You know what?! He's in love, and that's fine, 'cause we love him back."

    Переводчики: **ILYUXA$**
    • CommentTime16/10/2009IsOnline
     # 140
    METALLICA's KIRK HAMMETT Says 'Big Four' Tour Won't Happen - Oct. 15, 2009

    Shaffee and El Jefe of the WKLS Project 9-6-1 96.1 FM radio station conducted an interview with METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett prior to the band's October 4, 2009 concert at the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. Watch the chat in two parts below.

    When asked about the rumors that METALLICA was assembling a tour that would feature the "Big Four" of the 1980s underground thrash metal scene — itself, SLAYER, MEGADETH and ANTHRAX — Kirk replied, "That tour is not gonna happen. I've been hearing that, we've all been hearing that for awhile. I get asked [about] it regularly. And as far as a tour going on, it's not gonna happen. Conflicting schedules, conflicting personalities, [a lot of] conflicting things. It's a good idea, though. And personally, I can see the significance of playing a tour like that, but... it's not gonna happen."

    Переводчики: **ILYUXA$**
    • CommentTime16/10/2009IsOnline
     # 141

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    METALLICA's LARS ULRICH: 'I'm Like An Internet Whore' - Oct. 10, 2009

    On September 29, 2009, METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich was interviewed by Cindy Scull of the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas radio station 97.1 The Eagle Rocks. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

    On rumors that METALLICA was assembling a tour that would feature the "Big Four" of the 1980s underground thrash metal scene — itself, SLAYER, MEGADETH and ANTHRAX:

    Ulrich: "It's taken on a life of its own, this thing. I don't know what I could possibly add to it.

    "As far as I know, we haven't talked to anybody about it; we've talked about it amongst ourselves. And, obviously, because you get sort of caught up in the rumor of the whole thing, so I get asked about it four times a day in interviews.

    "I wish I could give you an Eagle exclusive — 'Lars confirms...' I don't know what to tell you.

    "It certainly could be fun, if everybody would be up for it; certainly we would be up for it. But it's not something that's imminent; it's not something that's being discussed for January. Everybody's got their own schedules and everybody's doing their thing, but at some point, of course, in the right situation, I think it could be super-fun.

    "Listen, the guys in METALLICA certainly are all about nostalgia, all about lineage, all about making the fans understand how things, sort of, came to be, and connect the dots and all that type of stuff, so I would definitely be up for that. But I haven't made any phone calls yet. [Laughs] But we'll see what happens. I'm sure it definitely could happen one day."

    On whether he had any idea what he was getting himself into when he angered many fans by waging a high-profile battle with Napster in 2000 over illegal music downloading:

    Ulrich: "That was just a bad dream; that never happened. [Laughs]

    "Are you familiar with the phrase compartmentalizing something? It's in a part of my brain that I can rarely access, but...

    "Listen, there's no glory in any of that. We took a position and a lot of people did not agree with that position that we took. A lot of people are coming now and saying, 'You were right all along,' patting me on the shoulder, but it was still a very bizarre summer, and I don't take any glory away from it.

    "We've always stood up for what we believed in, we've always stood up for kind of an impulsive need to protect METALLICA from any dissent or any people that kind of go against us — it's almost like a gang-like mentality; protect what's yours — and that caught us in some hot waters, as you're very well aware of, but still, obviously it was the right thing that we did, because we threw ourselves into it. I wish we would have been a little more prepared for what was coming, but listen, it's 10 years ago now, and I think people have sort of read the writing on the wall here and people get it.

    "Contrary to popular belief, the issue was never with the Internet, the issue was never about downloading... The issue was about... Well, I'll say it a little more P.C. It was about whose decision it was. What we were standing up for was, I've got no problem giving anything away, I've got no problem with the Internet. Whose decision is it whether you wanna give it away? We feel that it should be our decision, and another company made that decision for us, and we felt that that was kind of out of line, so we went out there to seek some sort of retribution or something [Laughs] — 'C'mon, do ten push-ups for doing that.' So the whole thing got a little crazy. But we've always been totally pro... I'm like an Internet whore — I'm on the Internet way too much every day — and I have 13 iPods and whatever else. So that's not the issue. It's just about who makes the decisions. If you wanna give your stuff away, then I'll give my stuff away, but it's my decision."

    Переводчики: metallicafan
    • CommentTime16/10/2009IsOnline
     # 142

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    METALLICA Bassist TRUJILLO: 'There's A Lot Of Challenge In What We Do' - Oct. 9, 2009

    Chris Riemenschneider of StarTribune.com recently conducted an interview with METALLICA bassist Robert Trujillo. A few excerpts from the chat follow below.

    On the notorious clash of egos between METALLICA's co-founders, singer/guitarist James Hetfield and drummer Lars Ulrich:

    "There are definitely times there's still that tension.

    "The key thing is you really gotta let those two head-butt within reason. That's the magic of what happens in the band. There's a certain energy that bounces off the two of them, and you've gotta let that flow and then offer suggestions or butt in when it's really necessary. The difference is nowadays, the band has figured out a way to defuse anything that could potentially be more destructive."

    "James Hetfield, to me, is so special in terms of writing riffs and melodies; he's just an amazing musician. Sometimes, if there's a part he's not picking up right off the bat, he gets a little impatient. That's where you get a little nervous. That's where you'll see a chair fly.

    "But, to me, that's all about the passion of putting a song together, and that's one of the beautiful things about this band. There's a lot that goes into this. There's a lot of challenge in what we do, it's not the easiest thing learning riffs or trying to develop a part in a METALLICA song."

    On how Rick Rubin pushed METALLICA "outside its comfort zone" during "Death Magnetic" recording sessions:

    "The other guys might disagree, but I think the fact that someone like Lars Ulrich had to go to Van Nuys, California — which is very industrial and not glamorous, so you have nothing else to do — I think the angst came out of that. It served as a great creative ground."

    On regaining lost ground by going back to the thrashier sound of earlier albums:

    "[It] feels right for me personally. The direction — in terms of being progressive, and challenging ourselves again — is very exciting. And it seems that our fans have picked up on it. They're excited about the guitar solos again. The guitar solos had taken kind of a breather there for a couple years. They're back with a vengeance. And the riffs are back and in your face again."

    On the way the band goes about touring now (since all of the members are dads now, the band generally performs for a week or two, then takes a week or two off):

    "It extends the tour cycle a little longer, but it balances things out well. We've been playing tighter than ever. The new songs are great fun to play live, and we're playing a lot of the old stuff, too. It's almost like we're playing a lot of the old, a lot of the new, and just a little bit of everything in between."

    Read more from StarTribune.com.

    • CommentTime16/10/2009IsOnline
     # 143

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    METALLICA's KIRK HAMMETT: ROCK HALL 'Was One Of The Best Events To Happen In Our Career' - Oct. 8, 2009

    John Soeder of The Plain Dealer conducted an interview with METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett before the band's September 29, 2009 concert in Dallas, Texas. The question-and-answer session follows below.

    The Plain Dealer: METALLICA has enjoyed its share of momentous occasions. How big a deal was getting into the Rock Hall?

    Hammett: Are you kidding? It was one of the best events to happen in our career.

    After 25 years of hard work — a lot of sweat, a lot of tears — it's great that we've been acknowledged by the Hall of Fame. It means a lot to us.

    As a guitar player, it really meant a lot to me to be able to hang out with my childhood heroes, my idols: Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Ron Wood and Joe Perry. Those guys have been a source of inspiration for me for decades. To be able to sit down and talk to them and play music with them, it was phenomenal.

    The Plain Dealer: Between the big pre-induction party that the band threw at House of Blues here and all the hotel rooms that you booked, METALLICA single-handedly sustained Cleveland's economy for a few days there.

    Hammett: [laughs] Right on.

    For me, it was important to have my mother, my brother and my wife there. My mother, for obvious reasons. My brother, because he was the one who pushed me into pursuing playing guitar for a living and becoming a musician. And, of course, my wife, who's my foundation.

    We had the party for a lot of people who've helped us over the course of our career. We got to hang out with people who we haven't hung out with in decades. That was very special, too, because those people played a big part in our ascension, which led to the Hall of Fame itself.

    We wanted to do a bit of acknowledgment ourselves, so we flew out, I don't know, about 150 people to Cleveland, to share that moment with us. It was a lot of fun.

    The Plain Dealer: Which artists would you like to see get into the Rock Hall?

    Hammett: Man, I would love to see RUSH in the Hall of Fame, as well as MOTÖRHEAD and DEEP PURPLE. Those are three that come to mind, only because I'm a hard-rock guy, and those bands had a lot to contribute to the genre.

    Those bands have been around a lot longer than we have. It's almost embarrassing that we're in the Hall of Fame and they're not. But everyone has their opinions. There's a bit of a bureaucracy and there's a bit of politics that come along with it.

    The Plain Dealer: The "World Magnetic Tour" has been lurching along for nearly a year, with more dates stretching into the foreseeable future. How are you keeping it fresh?

    Hammett: We're playing a different set list every night. Sometimes we play songs that we haven't played in decades. We challenge ourselves. Sometimes we overreach in that department. But it keeps it exciting, it keeps us on our toes and ultimately it turns us into better players, which has always been the goal — to progress and become better players.

    The Plain Dealer: METALLICA seems to be in a good place these days.

    Hammett: We're having such a great time. We're having a lot of fun playing the shows. We're playing better than ever.

    We're definitely getting along great, too. Our schedule isn't too hectic. It's pretty well-balanced between home life and being on tour.

    I'm particularly excited about the prospect of making this tour be one that we can survive and still have some of our marbles left. [laughs] So far, so good.

    I feel very fortunate, and I appreciate the space that METALLICA is in right now. It feels unstoppable again, which is a really good feeling.

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime21/10/2009IsOnline
     # 144
    METALLICA: 'One Of Our Fans Is Missing' - Oct. 21, 2009

    METALLICA's official web site has been updated with the following message:

    "We are deeply concerned about the disappearance of 20-year-old Virginia Tech student Morgan Dana Harrington, who was last seen while attending our concert at the John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville, VA, on Saturday night.

    "Morgan has blonde hair and blue eyes, is 5'6", 120 lbs., and was wearing a black 'PANTERA' T-shirt, black skirt, and black boots. She was not carrying I.D. or a cell phone. Morgan was separated from her friends shortly before 9pm at the venue. Police have been searching the area since Monday.

    "We encourage anyone who has any information regarding Morgan's disappearance to please come forward. Additionally, if you or anyone you know shot video footage or took photos of the concert or audience, please check to see if there is anyone in your photos who might resemble Morgan. Please contact the Virginia State Police at (434) 352-3425 or the UVA Police at (434) 924-7166 or police@virginia.edu if you have any information.

    "Our thoughts are with Morgan and her family for her safe return."

    Переводчики: PRIEST
    • CommentTime21/10/2009IsOnline
     # 145
    METALLICA: 'Francais Pour Une Nuit' DVD Details Revealed - Oct. 20, 2009

    METALLICA's official web site has been updated with the following message:

    "On July 7th of this year, we were honored to perform at Arenes de Nimes, the historic Roman amphitheatre in Nimes, France, easily one of the most spectacular venues in the world. We thought it would be a memorable night, so we asked our friends in France to bring along a film crew to document the festivities. The result is 'Francais Pour Une Nuit' (translation: 'French For One Night'), the DVD of the evening including the full show, interviews with us, and five videos shot by YOU, our buddies in the audience. All this and more will be available starting November 23, 2009!

    "'Francais Pour Une Nuit' was extra special for us because not only was it filmed in France, but ALL aspects of the project are French as the show was filmed, recorded, and edited with French camera and recording crews, the artwork on the package and special box set (more on that in a minute!) were created by a French design team; even the credits are in French. The only non-French parts: the three Americans and one Dane on stage and the photos shot by Englishman Ross Halfin.

    "The DVD will be available in retail stores in France only, at www.metallica.com, or you may order online through the record company at www.metallicanimes.com. There will be three formats available: Standard DVD in a digipack including a 16 page booklet, Blu-ray DVD, also in a digipack with the booklet, and the deluxe limited edition box set (it's actually a tin) that includes the DVD, a copy of 'Death Magnetic' on CD, a T-shirt, laminated pass, and five exclusive photos."

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime27/10/2009IsOnline
     # 146
    METALLICA Adds $50,000 To Reward In Case Of Missing Virginia Tech Student - Oct. 25, 2009

    METALLICA has joined the efforts to help locate Morgan Harrington — who disappeared during the band's concert in Charlottesville one week ago — by adding $50,000 to the $100,000 reward being offered for information leading to her whereabouts. Also joining the search is the FBI, who will be able to investigate tips from around the country in the case of the 20-year-old Virginia Tech student missing since she became separated from her friends at the October 17 show.
    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime27/10/2009IsOnline
     # 147
    METALLICA To Stalker: Don't Tread On Me - Oct. 27, 2009

    According to TMZ.com, the woman accused of stalking Justin Timberlake has already been banned from getting anywhere close to the members of METALLICA — the heavy metal giants got a restraining order against her back in March.

    The documents — which can be downloaded as a PDF file at this location (courtesy of TMZ.com) — were filed in L.A. County Superior Court by drummer Lars Ulrich, who requested Karen Jane McNeil stay at least 150 yards away from all of the members of the band, their families and the people who run the METALLICA fan club.

    Timberlake was granted a restraining against McNeil last week after claiming she had been coming to his home, entering through the gate and refusing to leave.

    Axl Rose also had issues with McNeil beginning in 1995 — she was eventually sentenced to a year in prison for violating a court order to stay away from the G'NR frontman.

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime4/11/2009IsOnline
     # 148
    HULK HOGAN Wanted To Join METALLICA - Nov. 2, 2009

    56-year-old wrestling legend Hulk Hogan has told Chicago Trubune's "About Last Night" column that he played bass guitar in high school and that he tried to get back into music even after making it big in wrestling.

    "I was in England presenting an award with Jerry Hall, Mick Jagger's ex, and she told me THE [ROLLING] STONES were looking for a bass player," Hogan said. "I sent her a ton of merchandise that she asked for and said 'Tell Mick I'm a great bass player.' I never heard a word back.

    "When METALLICA was looking for a bass player, I called and never heard a word back from them either. I would have quit wrestling in a heartbeat to be a bass player for METALLICA."

    Hulk Hogan was in Chicago last week to promote his autobiography, "My Life Outside The Ring".

    The book is Hogan's second autobiography and offers more details on his family and childhood.

    Переводчики: PRIEST
    • CommentTime4/11/2009IsOnline
     # 149
    Report: Metal Fan RUUTU Leads Fellow SENATORS To METALLICA Concert - Nov. 3, 2009

    Allen Panzeri of The Ottawa Citizen reports: About half of the Ottawa Senators went to the METALLICA concert on Tuesday night, led by one of the heavy-metal band's biggest fans, Jarkko Ruutu.

    He "fell in love" with the band when he was in school in the early '80s and has seen them in concert probably 10 times since. It helped that Ruutu was high-school classmates with another noted heavy-metal fan, former NHL defenceman Janne Niinimaa, who owns a concert hall in Oulu, Finland. TWISTED SISTER was the first of numerous heavy-metal bands to play there.

    So what is it with Finns and their love of heavy metal? Ruutu is not sure.

    "Finland is a metal country, big time," he said. "A lot of bands come there because they sell out right away, every year. People just like it. I guess it's the darkness in it. I don't know."

    Переводчики: Ironhead
    • CommentTime10/11/2009IsOnline
     # 150
    METALLICA's Ottawa Concert Raises $8,000 For Food Bank - Nov. 5, 2009

    580 CFRA reports that Tuesday night's (November 3) METALLICA concert at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada is helping to fill the shelves at the Ottawa Food Bank.

    METALLICA has donated a portion of each ticket to the sold-out show to the Food Bank, delivering a cheque for CAD $8,700 (approximately USD $8,200) to the agency.

    Executive Director Peter Tilley says every dollar donated to the Ottawa Food Bank generated $5 worth of food into the community.

    Переводчики: Ironhead
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