Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

1999 S&M

6:47 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих)

Nothing Else Matters

So close, no matter how far couldn't be much more from the heart Forever trusting who we are And nothing else matters Never opened myself this way life is ours, we live it our way All these words I don't just say And nothing else matters Trust I seek and I found you every day for us something new Open mind for a different view And nothing else matters Never cared for what they do Never cared for what they know but I know So close no matter how far Couldn't be no more from the heart Forever trusting who we are And nothing else matters Never cared for what they do Never cared for what they know but I know Never opened myself this way life is ours, we live it our way All these words I don't just say Trust I seek and I found you every day for us something new Open mind for a differend view And nothing else matters Never cared for what they say Never cared for what games they play Never cared for what they do Never cared for what they known And I know So close no matter how far couldn't be much more from the heart Forever trusting who we are No nothing else matters

к списку всех песенUntil It Sleeps

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