Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

1998 Garage Inc.

3:34 (Хэррис, Татлер (Diamond Head))

It's Electric

I'm gonna be a rock and roll star Gotta groove from night to day Gotta blow my crummy job Gonna blow my blues away I'm gonna make a stand Gonna make a million Gonna make it with you I'm gonna be wild my friend I gotta push it through It's electric It's electric It's electric It's electric I stop on red and I leave on amber And you face my way I'm gonna make it my friend Gonna make it today Gonna get the tilts from my hills Down the highway I go Gonna get the stars from my route Make it in a rock and roll show It's electric It's electric It's electric It's electric I stop on red and I leave on amber And you face my way I'm gonna make it my friend Gonna make it today Gonna get the tilts from my hills Down the highway I go Gonna get the stars from my route Make it in a rock and roll show It's electric It's electric It's electric It's electric It's electric It's electric It's electric It's electric

к списку всех песенSabbra Cadabra

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